Myths / Mythologies / Legends

The Drac: French Tales of Dragons and Demons

archived 11-03-99
Archive file# m110399b
donated by James Vandale

The Drac: French Tales of Dragons and Demons
The Drac: The Invisible Demon

Origin: France


The Drac: French Tales of Dragons and Demons
By Felice Holman and Nanine Valen
Drawings by Stephen walker
Scribner's Sons: New York, 1975

The Story

The Drac is more than a dragon -- he's a powerful enchanter. He can make himself invisible and has a taste for human flesh and blood. He lures a young new mother to his underwater home to nurse Drac's frail child. She does this for seven years, made to forget her life as a human being. By accident, she sometimes rubs the magic balm made from human fat and water cresses which enables the Drac to be invisible. The woman sometimes, after rubbing the balm on the little Drac child's eyes (which is her nightly responsibility), forgets to wash her hands and in this way gains the ability to see the true form of the Drac when he is in disguise or invisible. When the woman is released back home, everything in the past seven years is made like a dream to her. When next the Drac comes in town and is spotted by the woman, this powerful sorcerer casts a spell so that the woman loses her ability to spot Drac. This is the story told by the woman.


Drac is described as an enormous and lizard like monster who is More than just a monster. It is a evil sorcerer and a demon. It is naked as a worm, willowy as a lamprey, with two fins of transparent blue lace on his back, webbed feet like the flamingo of the Camargue, and long greenish hair which floated like algae on the waves. The Drac in this story dwells in the river Rhone. Aside from the power of shapeshifting, The Drac also can make himself invisible.

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