Jahovah, Terran Control Groups and Derivative Concepts
I want to talk about Jahovah. He's a piece of work. I want you to know he's still alive and still scooting around, wreaking havoc. He still doesn't have his stuff together. I mean, all you really have to do is take all your personal emotions away from your observation of the Bible, or the Old Testament, and just see what Jahovah did. It's clearly psychotic behavior. I don't want a "God" like that! It's amazing how some people will defend it, saying "well, he was justified in killing everybody". Really?
The word "Jehovah" originally meant, in the Chaldean and Hebrew, "is, was, and will be". The reason he was given that name is because he lives such a long time. They live thousands of years in one incarnation. It never meant "creator of all things". He used technology to promote himself as a "God", and fear is an incredible tool when you want to get people to do something. Some of your have no doubt observed this factor in some of the activities of the world governments.
The Chaldean people were the remnants of the Sumerian people. This you probably already know. Much of the Hebrew religion and the religion of the Sumerians are similar. The books of Moses do not in any way suggest that Jahovah was in any way the only "lord of the Elohim". The expressions "Elohim" and "Nephilim" are used in the original Hebrew tongue, and these expressions are plural in nature, which means that in their terms there was more than one "God". That should be a major tip to everyone.
Abraham, whose name was "Abramou", did consider Jahovah to be a "God" because of the technology that Jahovah and the other Elohim possessed. Many of the "Gods" did the same thing. They used technology to strike fear into the people, and they worshipped the "Gods" to avoid punishment. Any of this sound familiar, here in 1997?
Marduk, whom we also know as the Egyptian "God" Ra, Enki, and En-lil, were notorious for doing this. These extraterrestrial manipulators used bigotry because they wanted to control their own groups of people, and each of their offspring procreated with elements of the population of the earth. According to Moraney and Vasais, our native American races are the remnants of the ancient Babylonians. They were brought here and hidden underground just prior to the flood of Noah.
Now, what was the flood of Noah? We are told that it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. According to Moraney, the flood of Noah was as a result of the movement of Earth from one orbit to another around the Sun. The Earth was apparently hit with a tractor beam and literally moved to an orbit further out from the Sun. This added five days to our rotational period around the Sun. The period of this 40 day rain was during the period when the magnetic poles of the Earth rotated 180 degrees.
My reason for telling you this is to try and give you a broader perspective. There is just so much more to who we are and who we've been. We have been manipulated by the "hidden ones". The reason they remain "unseen" is because on-the-whole they are basically afraid of us. They are afraid of something about us. They absolutely do not want us to unite together, because then the "gig" is up.
Now, when the extraterrestrials were here in force - that is, during the time referenced in the Bible where is says the Sons of God married the Daughters of Man, they bred and mated with their human wives. Out of this came offspring, half-breeds. There were at that time, within the last 5000 years, predominantly 13 families from Sirius B and Nubiru, who were living here on the planet. These were the tribes of En-lil, Marduk, Enki, etc. They all had offspring.
Those from Nubiru were a tribe that came about as a result of a "marriage" between some groups between Sirius B and Orion. It was in essence a "royal marriage" between groups that formed a "tribe". This "tribe" was called Nubiru. The word Nubiru, in the ancient Sumerican language, means "between two peoples". I know Sitchin calls it something else. The offspring were not allowed to go with the extraterrestrial parents when they left the Earth, because they were considered "half-breeds". The reason they were viewed like this by the extraterrestrials was because of their Terran genetics, which contain certain genes from the primate race. According to Moraney, the first melding between the primate genes and the human species was 28,731,007 BC, and there have been many prototypes. In fact, they just found another prototype in Portugal that is estimated to be 780,000 years old. They will discover more. In fact, start looking for some major discoveries in Nigeria. Apparently, there is a tremendous amount of extraterrestrial technology buried in Nigeria, that has not been tapped yet.
When the extraterrestrials left, the real ET's, they left certain types of technology behind. The Indian Veda's discuss some of this technology. They didn't care. They had science teams who were constantly inventing new things, and as they got new technology they discarded the old. Well, it was the Magi, the half-breeds, that were left these technologies. There were 13 major families that were considered under the heading of Magi. Does that number ring a bell?
The members of these 13 families on earth contain the genetics of both Terran and extraterrestrial races that formerly tyrannized the Earth. They were basically left in charge. Some of them were actually Pharoahs. The Magi interbreeding resulted in the cultures we today recognize as the "Ivory Hebrew", the "Mayan", the "Celts", and the "Aryan" races. Now, while all of this was transpiring on the surface of the planet, underground there was another extraterrestrial race that had been here - a race that has been here for hundreds of thousands of years. They are, of course, the reptilian race, which the Bible refers to as the "serpent race". Serpent men. They are still here, and they can't stand the radiation of the sun. They haven't been able to live on the surface of the planet since the last major war that occurred here approximately 450,000 years ago. They are basically hyperborean in nature. They have control of the planet at depths from 100 to 200 miles down. That's their turf, and no one contests that. That is why when people go into the inner earth, they enter via the poles. They do not go through the crust, because these reptilians simply to not like humans. They consider us to be "fleas" on the surface. Again, prejudice as a concept has its origin in extraterrestrial perspectives.
All of the concepts involving languages and social structures for human societies were introduced by extraterrestrial sources. All of the languages that we have on the planet have their origins within the structures of extraterrestrial languages. The letters and their numerical values.
From Moraney's perspective, "Adam and Eve" were in fact two human tribes that were created. I know the Bible refers to "Adam" as a singular person. This is not accurate. According to Moraney, there was a race of human beings prior to the Sumerians called the "Annunites", and they were named after the chief scientist who the Sumerian's called the "God" Anu. The name of "A-dam", as far as these people were concerned, was originally "Anu-dam". That word meant workers in the mines. Like everything else, we get the "Cliff notes" version of what really was the case.
I asked Moraney how the extraterrestrials were able to control all the populations. Apparently, there were groups of hundreds of thousands of people in areas all over the planet. Moraney said that it was very easy to control the population by controlling the water. He said that primary control was through technology, but the single most important control mechanism for a race as primitive as ours was control of the water supply. You have to have water.
This leads me to share something with you that I started to share earlier. Two weeks ago, Bill Clinton signed a presidential directive, number 28, which is legislation that has been put into the Federal Register. It did not go to Congress for approval. They withheld it for two weeks, only giving the legislation 14 days of review before it became law.
[Vals note: This, of course, is illegal, because there must be a 30 day period of review].
It is called the River Heritage Act. He is taking ten of the largest rivers in the United States and declaring on behalf of the Federal Government that ten miles on each side constitute a "world heritage protection site". Now, why would he do this? On the entire planet, 2.5% of the water is fresh water that is fit to drink. Now, 78% of that 2.5% is right here in North America. The Great Lakes. Are you getting the picture?
Now, the Magi created class systems around themselves. Priesthood's. You can read about this priesthood's in Sumerian and Egyptian lore. Every major religion has these. The priesthood's of the Magi were known as the "Naga", and I know that is a name that has been thrown around a lot. The Naga constituted the priesthood. They are like the international bankers today, who are the new "priesthood", in a sense, for the extraterrestrial controllers. Everything in your life revolves around money. Everything. My reason for bringing this up is to show you how history is constantly repeating itself. Our race has been stuck in a cycle of doing the same thing over and over again, and getting "screwed" over and over again. Maybe now you will be able to take a step back and see the "games" and the political mind sets that are coming down again. Folks, it's right there. I want you to know something, and I mean this with all my heart. There are people that say, "you know, Alex, if you think this way you will create it". Well, you know what? I don't think this way, and it's being created anyway. The reason it's being created anyway is because of apathy. People don't give a damn, because they are so busy just "surviving". Well, you are going to have to try and make room for more than just "survival" in your life. You're going to have to do this. There is only one semi-free nation on the planet. The United States. If we loose it, there is nowhere for us to go, and I will tell you this: I refuse to serve two masters! I refuse. You can't do it.
Leading Edge
Val Valerian
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